30 octubre 2008

spring-gwt, struts-gwt y jsf-gwt

Deeper Framework Integration

The integration of GWT widgets into existing web pages, as illustrated in this solution, is simple and powerful, but it only lets you add self-contained GWT widgets to your web pages. If you want deeper integration with your framework’s backend, for example by using GWT widgets to access Struts functionality on the back end, then the simplistic strategy discussed in this solution needs some additional functionality.

GWT has gained a lot of mindshare, as evidenced by the open-source support projects that have been built around GWT; in fact, there are several projects that provide the necessary glue between GWT and your framework of choice on the back end.

Figure 12.11 shows the homepages for three projects that provide integration with Struts, JavaServer Faces, and Spring.

Figure 12.11 Open-source projects that integrate GWT with popular web application

Here are the homepages for those projects:

• Spring: http://sourceforge.net/projects/spring-gwt

• Struts: http://swik.net/GWT-Plugin

• JavaServer Faces: https://ajax4jsf.dev.java.net/nonav/ajax/gwt/gwt-cdk.html

The SpringGWT project lets you use Spring dependency injection with GWT, the
GWT-Plugin lets you invoke methods on Struts actions using GWT widgets, and
G4JSF lets you wrap GWT components in JSF components.

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