Other Tools
- Subversion Plugin for Eclipse
- XmlBuddy
- Good for editing and formatting XML files. Ctrl+Shift+F to format in XmlBuddy Editor.
- Decompiler
- JAD (put jad.exe in your system path)
- JadClipse Plugin (put in your eclipse/plugins directory)
- Article on JAD Plugin for Eclipse
- FreeMarker Eclipse Plugin
- Maven Eclipse Plugin
- JET Editor
- Eclipse SQL Explorer
- Eclipse LDAP Browser and Editor
- Keytool
- Subversion
- Continuum - continous integration server
- OpenLDAP for Windows
- Jamon - performance monitoring
- place jamon-2.2.jar in default/lib
- place jamon.war in default/deploy
- net.taylor.trace.TraceInterceptor is used on all beans
- go to http://localhost:8080/jamon to view results
- Taylor Jamon Maven Report Plugin
- TCPMon - monitor tcp traffic during testing
- Wink - create Taylor Flash demos for this wiki
- Firefox Web Developer Add-on
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