Have you ever found yourself frustrated with a ClassNotFoundException? Would you like to know what libraries are in your project and what they depend on? Would you like to get a full report on this stuff every time you run your ant build? If so you need to use the JBoss Tattletale project!
JBoss Tattletale is a tool that can help you get an overview of the project you are working on or a product that you depend on.
The tool will provide you with reports that can help you
Identify dependencies between JAR files
Find missing classes from the classpath
Spot if a class/package is located in multiple JAR files
Spot if the same JAR file is located in multiple locations
With a list of what each JAR file requires and provides
Verify the SerialVersionUID of a class
Find similar JAR files that have different version numbers
Find JAR files without a version number
Find unused JAR files
Identify sealed and signed JAR archives
Locate a class in a JAR file
Get the OSGi status of your project
JBoss Tattletale will recursive scan the directory pass as the argument for JAR files and then build the reports as HTML files.
JBoss Tattletale is licensed under GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) version 2.1 or later.
We hope that JBoss Tattletale will help you in your development tasks !
Please, visit the official JBoss Tattletale project page at http://www.jboss.org/tattletale/.
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