17 marzo 2010

New (3.2.3) Hibernate identifier generators

Desde la url Hibernate Core 3.3.1 released, pinchamos en enhanced id generators y accedemos a una página donde se detallan exhaustivamente los drásticos cambios que se han hecho en esta versión.

Lo más importante es lo que pone en la conclusion:


I would expect that these two new generators actually replace currently existing ones in terms of short-hand names. Specifically, I would expect

  • the implementation behind sequence to change from org.hibernate.SequenceGenerator to the new org.hibernate.id.enhanced.SequenceStyleGenerator
  • the implementation behing table to change from org.hibernate.TableGenerator to the new org.hibernate.id.enhanced.TableGenerator

The second is the more risky replacement because of the big difference between the two. But we've all along discouraged direct use of the current table generator so I think we should be safe there. I am still uncertain when that replacement will happen (probably 4.0?), but in the meantime, the new generators are available and highly recommended for use.

Hay que pensarlo bien, parece que lo mejor es usar estos nuevos generadores

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