05 mayo 2010

VTD-XML: The Future of XML Processing

VTD-XML: The Future of XML Processing

  • The world's most memory-efficient (1.3x~1.5x the size of an XML document) random-access XML parser.

  • The world's fastest XML parser: On a Core2 2.5Ghz Laptop, VTD-XML outperforms DOM parsers by 5x~12x, delivering 90~120 MB/sec per core sustained throughput.

  • The world's fastest XPath 1.0 implementation.

  • The world's most efficient XML indexer that seamlessly integrates with your XML applications.

  • The world's only incremental-update capable XML parser capable of cutting, pasting, splitting and assembling XML documents with max efficiency.

  • The world's only XML parser that allows you to use XPath to process 256 GB XML documents.

  • The XML technology that they don't want you to know about.

ver el ejemplo 17:

* This is a demonstration of how to use the extended VTD parser
* to process large XML file. You need 64-bit JVM to take full
* advantage of extended VTD.
import com.ximpleware.extended.*;
public class mem_mapped_read {
public static void main(String[] s) throws Exception{
VTDGenHuge vg = new VTDGenHuge();
if (vg.parseFile("test.xml",true,VTDGenHuge.MEM_MAPPED)){
VTDNavHuge vnh = vg.getNav();
AutoPilotHuge aph = new AutoPilotHuge(vnh);
int i = 0;
while ((i=aph.evalXPath())!=-1){
System.out.println(" element name is "+vnh.toString(i));

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