05 mayo 2010

XMLBeans Tools

XMLBeans Tools

XMLBeans includes several command-line tools you might find handy as shortcuts for common tasks. You'll find these tools in the bin directory of the XMLBeans installation or source tree.

dumpxsb (XSB File Dumper)
Prints the contents of an XSB file in human-readable form.
inst2xsd (Instance to Schema Tool)
Generates XML schema from XML instance files.
scomp (Schema Compiler)
Compiles a schema into XMLBeans classes and metadata.
scopy (Schema Copier)
Copies the XML schema at the specified URL to the specified file.
sdownload (Schema Downloader)
Maintains "xsdownload.xml," an index of locally downloaded XSD files. URLs that are specified are downloaded if they aren't already cached. If no files or URLs are specified, all indexed files are relevant.
sfactor (Schema Factoring Tool)
Factors redundant definitions out of a set of schemas and uses imports instead.
svalidate (Streaming Instance Validator)
Validates a schema definition and instances within the schema.
validate (Instance Validator)
Validates an instance against a schema.
xpretty (XML Pretty Printer)
Pretty prints the specified XML to the console.
xsd2inst (Schema to Instance Tool)
Prints an XML instance from the specified global element using the specified schema.
xsdtree (Schema Type Hierarchy Printer)
Prints an inheritance hierarchy of the types defined in a schema.
xmlbean Ant task
Compiles a set of XSD and/or WSDL files into XMLBeans types.

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